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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a 7 on 7 passing league and flag football?

Most flag leagues tend to be a little more recreational in nature, and the local flag leagues are played on significantly smaller fields. A 7 on 7 passing league is played on a full width football field starting from the 40 yard line, and is inline with more traditional football.

Why is the registration fee more than flag football leagues?

The registration fee for the league is higher than flag leagues, because players are paying for professional coaches. While recreational leagues use parent volunteers as coaches, 4Vert coaches are top coaches from local high schools. Players are not just paying for games, as they do in recreational leagues, but they are paying for high level instruction from our coaches. Personal training with coaches at this level would run anywhere from $25-150 an hour (based on position), but as a 4Vert participant this cost is built in at a significant discount.

Do coaches represent high schools?

No, all of our coaches are employees of the 4Vert organization. Any affiliation they have with a high school is not represented in this league. All teams are open to any player wishing to tryout, regardless of what high school they plan on attending.

Does a player have to play in a specific area?

No, a player is welcome to tryout for any team in any area, and may tryout for multiple teams. No player may transfer to another team after playing for a different team.

I’m ready to sign-up, what do I do?

Players will not register with us until they try out for a team and have been informed by the coach that they are on the team. We will post tryout dates on the site, as coaches let us know what days their tryouts will take place. If there is a specific team a player is interested in feel free to contact us, and we can put you in touch directly with that team’s coach who can give more details about tryout dates, times and locations.

Is playing time guaranteed?

Playing time is not guaranteed in this league. While our coaches usually roster players who will see playing time it is not mandatory in this league.

Can travel teams or club teams not affiliated with the league participate in the league?

We do allow for travel/club teams to participate in the league. There is a flat team fee to participate. Please e-mail for details.

What is the age range?

There are three different youth divisions: 3rd-4th Grade, 5th-6th Grade, and 7th-8th Grade. The high school division is for players in grades 9th-11th.